They are also marrying my two somewhat-contradictory thoughts on the Tube: Love public transport, can't stand TfL and how they manage the Tube. They're like any good parody: they mock their subject matter while making their affections for it clear.
Take the following examples:But, as always, the plod miss the point. And the fun:
"No eye contact. Penalty £200."
"We apologise for any incontinence caused during these engineering works."
"Peak hours may necessitate you let other people sit on your lap."
BTP said graffiti was "unwanted vandalism that causes criminal damage" and "will not be tolerated".Wait, what? Putting stickers inside tube carriages and tube stations "becomes an eyesore for many residents who overlook the railway". It's almost like there is another kind of graffiti which basically everyone agrees should stop: spray paint on buildings by railways. If the police pretend all graffiti is the specific kind of graffiti it's easy to oppose then, why, they don't need to think about criminality with any kind of nuance or critical thinking at all.
"It is a blight on our society and becomes an eyesore for many residents who overlook the railway," a BTP spokesman added.
Graffiti: bad. Always. Even if it's not an eyesore for anyone who overlooks a railway.
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